Rep. Ogles Introduces Bill To Rename Dc Street ‘Tiananmen Square Memorial Boulevard’

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) introduced a bill to rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in DC ‘1 Tiananmen Square Memorial Boulevard. Congressman Ogles told the Washington Examiner the following:

“China is being run by the immoral, genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Earlier this month marked 34 years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre, where the Chinese government weaponized the nation’s military against its own people, mowing them down in the streets and murdering up to 10,000 people. As the CCP regime continues its reign of terror, it is important for America to unequivocally condemn the CCP’s human rights abuses. In commemoration of the victims lost in 1989, I introduced legislation to rename the street outside the Embassy of China in Washington, DC to ‘1 Tiananmen Square Memorial Boulevard.”

COSPONSORS (17): Rep. Tom Tiffany [WI-07], Rep. Jeff Duncan [SC-03], Rep. Michael Waltz [FL-06], Rep. Neal Dunn [FL-02], Rep. Guy Reschenthaler [PA-14], Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart [FL-26], Rep. Morgan Luttrell [TX-08], Rep. Pete Sessions [TX-17], Rep. Mike Collins [GA-10], Rep. Anna Luna [FL-13], Rep. Brian Babin [TX-36], Rep. Ben Cline [VA-06], Rep. Ryan Zinke [MT-01], Rep. John Moolenaar [MI-02], Rep. Chris Smith [NJ-04], Rep. Stephanie Bice [OK-05], and Gus Bilirakis [FL-12].

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