Rep. Ogles Introduces 100Th Piece Of Legislation, Breaks Records

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, April 11th, 2024

CONTACT: Emma Settle, (202) 225-4311


WASHINGTON, DC - With only a little over a year in Congress, Congressman Andy Ogles has submitted his 100th piece of legislation. This is not only the highest number of legislative proposals submitted by any freshman member of Congress in several decades but also the second-highest amount of legislation among all current members of the House of Representatives. Of his one hundred legislative proposals, thirty-seven have been passed by the House, and three have been signed into law; additionally, Congressman Ogles has co-authored legislation with Senators Cruz, Lee, Paul, Daines, and others on several occasions. This achievement places Congressman Ogles at the forefront of his class, with the highest number of standalone pieces of legislation passed among all freshman members of Congress.

“I came to Congress to participate in meaningful policymaking and hold Biden accountable. My legislative record reflects just that. Fighting for Americans requires active and effective legislators, and I am proud to be one. I am tremendously grateful to my staff for the long hours they dedicate every week, to my family for their unwavering support, and to my constituents who have the time to share their concerns and encourage me,” said Congressman Ogles. “I am also grateful to my esteemed Senate colleagues, Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Steve Daines (R-MT), for leading senate companion bills for some of my legislation.”

“My three legislative submissions that have been signed into law include an amendment to prohibit the use of federal funds to delist the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. This amendment was the result of a bipartisan letter I sent with Democrat Congressman Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) to the House Appropriations Committee. The IRGC is guilty of injuring and killing thousands of Americans and continues to provide material support to the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist entities.”

“Another one of my legislative victories prohibits the removal of companies from the Section 1260H List of Chinese military companies. This increases oversight over Joe Biden’s potential to collude with the Chinese Communist Party with regard to Chinese military companies. Biden’s appeasement policy towards the CCP has enabled him to remove these corrupt entities from a DOD ‘blacklist’ of companies that undermine American national security.”

“The third amendment, which was included in Section 1308 of the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), increases Congressional oversight of the Biden Administration’s adherence to the Taiwan Enhanced Resilience Act. Biden has been notorious for undermining the implementation of this law and weakening the American deterrence posture against China. This amendment strengthens the United States’ ties with our ally Taiwan and is essential to preventing a needless conflict in the Indo-Pacific. This amendment was included within the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act and unanimously adopted by voice vote in the House.”

Congressman Ogles' 100th piece of legislation, the Defunding Unscientific Mask Mandates Act of 2024, would ensure that federal funds could not be used to create a COVID-19 mask mandate. This would allow individuals to decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not rather than forcing them to comply with arbitrary rules.

“It is a privilege to serve the people of Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District. I will continue to work diligently for the interests of my constituents and the preservation of our nation,” said Congressman Ogles.

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