Rep. Ogles: Fighting The Deep State

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday Feb 23rd, 2024

CONTACT: Emma Settle, (202) 225-4311


WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) sent four letters to the House Committee on Appropriations on Friday advocating for the defunding of America-last directives.  

Letter #1

Defunding the expansion of Deferred Enforced Departure for Palestinians

This letter asks the Committee to include a provision in any upcoming spending legislation that would prohibit this latest Executive action. Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) is an unconstitutional measure that allows Joe Biden to keep any individual or group of individuals inside the United States regardless of immigration status, criminal history, or potential national security threat. 

Rep. Ogles said: “The administration’s efforts to allow an untold number of Palestinians to stay in this country, when they would otherwise be inadmissible or deportable, is just the latest in Joe Biden’s treasonous efforts to expand the illegal invasion crisis. The vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas’ atrocities committed on October 7; the presence of Hamas sympathizers poses a significant threat to our national security, and it’s past time to send them back.”

Co-Signers (4): Reps. Randy Weber [TX-14], Lauren Boebert [CO-03], Jeff Duncan [SC-03], Andy Biggs [AZ-05]

Supporting Organizations:  America First Policy Institute

Letter Text 

Letter #2

Defunding the Office of Palestinian Affairs

An amendment to this end was introduced by Rep. Ogles during the House State and Foreign Operations (SFOPS)  appropriations bill last fall; it passed the House by voice vote. The Biden administration established the Office of Palestinian Affairs and placed it outside the chain of command of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, effectively demonstrating diplomatic support for increased international recognition of the status of Palestinians. In light of October 7, pursuit of a Palestinian state is reckless and rewards malign terror actors who murdered dozens of Americans and over 1,200 Israelis.  

Rep Ogles said: “Allowing an Office of Palestinian Affairs to exist, particularly in light of October 7, signals to Palestinian terrorist groups that the Biden administration has zero intention to punish them for their genocidal behavior. Palestinian terrorism has destroyed the prospect of a two-state solution, and the Palestinian people have only to thank Hamas for that.”

Co-Signers (4): Rep. Bill Posey [FL-08], Jeff Duncan [SC-03], Scott Perry [PA-10], Andy Biggs [AZ-05]

 Letter Text 

Letter #3

Defunding the CFPB’s Nonbank Registry Rulemaking.

 In December 2022, the CFPB announced a proposed rule seeking to publicly identify so-called “repeat” financial law offenders by establishing a database of enforcement actions taken against certain nonbank covered entities. Such a registry will result in costly and complex compliance measures for covered nonbank entities, many of which are small businesses. This proposal will increase the needless power of the federal government. An Ogles amendment to this end - unanimously adopted - prohibited funding for this rulemaking during Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) appropriations.

Rep Ogles said: “The Deep State is on a warpath to destroy American small business and the CFPB’s Non-Bank Registry is one of their tools. Not only is this another burdensome Biden regulation, but is intended to “name-and-shame” honest business owners who courageously refuse to give up their freedom to appease corrupt financial regulators.”

Co-Signers (3): Reps. Bill Posey [FL-08], Byron Donalds [FL-19], Jeff Duncan [SC-03]

 Letter Text 

Letter #4

Defunding Qatar’s Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) status 

This letter would defund, for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024 (through September 30), Qatar’s Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) status. Qatar has maintained this status since 2022 despite its blatant antisemitic behavior and its public support for Hamas terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood as a whole. Qatar has sent billions to terrorists across the globe - including to the Taliban - and houses terrorist leaders in luxury apartments in Doha. Despite this, Qatar holds the prestigious MNNA status allowing them privileged access to U.S. military training and equipment along with other defense benefits shared by only 18 other nations. 

Rep. Ogles said: “Qatar does not put its money where its mouth is. Despite cozying up to the Biden administration and housing the largest U.S. military installation in the Middle East, it actively funds terror operations across the globe. Calling them an ally is preposterous. Jesus said, “where your treasure is, your heart will be there also.” Qatar’s treasure is stored in Hamas’s coffers. It’s time to wake up and stop this swindle of America.” 

Co-Signers (1): Rep. Andy Biggs [AZ-05]

Letter Text

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