Rep. Monty Fritts proposes additional support for Texas to secure southern border

State Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, is proposing a bill that will allow Tennessee to continue assisting Texas in its fight to secure the southern border of the United States.

House Bill 2190 authorizes the governor to deploy up to a brigade-sized force to Texas to assist in securing the southern border. The deployment can last up to one year and can be extended with additional approval from the legislature.

“What’s happening at the southern border is an invasion and Texas is doing all it can to protect itself,” Fritts said. “Tennessee stands with Texas and we will do everything in our authority to secure the border for the safety of the Volunteer State’s citizens.”

House Bill 2190 complies with Article 3, Section 5 of the Tennessee Constitution regarding the deployment of forces in the case of an invasion. The legislation would require the governor to seek the approval of the General Assembly no less than 90 days before the original force’s year-long deployment ends.

According to the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has had 6.2 million illegal immigrant encounters since President Joe Biden took office in addition to 1.7 million known gotaways who evade border patrol. In Fiscal Year 2023, 169 captured illegal immigrants were on the terrorist watchlist.

House Bill 2190 advanced out of the Public Service Subcommittee this week.

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