Rep. Kevin Vaughan secures $30K for Collierville Arts Council

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — State Rep. Kevin Vaughan, R-Collierville, has secured $30,000 in state funding to help support the Collierville Arts Council.

The funds will be used to provide new stage equipment for the Harrell Performing Arts Theatre, which the council oversees.

“The Collierville Arts Council has been putting on productions for nearly 40 years and they’ve provided a community for thousands of people over the years,” Vaughan said. “Thank you to my colleagues in the General Assembly for their support of our community and the arts. I look forward to seeing the upgraded stage equipment in action soon.” 

The Collierville Arts Council develops, promotes, assists and coordinates the arts in Collierville and the surrounding areas. The council was originally founded as a fundraising organization to finish the Harrell Performing Arts Theatre. Once they raised the funds, the council’s focus was shifted to underwrite the productions at the theatre.

Upcoming shows include:

  • 9 to 5: The Musical – June 21-30, 2024
  • Little Shop of Horrors – Sept. 13-22, 2024
  • A Christmas Story – Dec. 7-15, 2024

The appropriated funds are part of a $52.8 billion zero-debt balanced budget passed by the General Assembly in April. Republican priorities included making significant investments in health care, public safety, education and rural economic development. 

Kevin Vaughan represents District 95, which includes part of Shelby County. He is the Chairman of the Commerce Committee, and a member of the Health Committee, Calendar & Rules Committee, Banking and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee and Business Utilities Subcommittee.

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