Rep. John Rose Expresses Unwavering Support for Israel on House Floor

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) expressed his staunch support for Israel, hours before Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress.

The full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

Mister Speaker, I am proud to join the majority of Tennesseans who stand in support of America’s most important Middle Eastern ally—Israel.                       

Unfortunately, radical, progressive Democrats have turned their back on Israel. Democrats have shown time and time again where their priorities truly lie, favoring an army of IRS agents rather than security assistance when Israel was in its most dire need.

Now, radical, progressive Democrats have chosen once again to turn their backs on our only democratic ally in the Middle East by boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address before Congress. History will not view these dark and dangerous decisions lightly. Let the record show, Democrats sided with the pro-Hamas base of their party.

As a staunch supporter of Israel, I will be honored to be present in the House Chamber for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s historic joint address. We must never waver, Mister Speaker.

You can watch the speech here.

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