Rep. John Crawford secures $700,000 for Centerstone Military Services

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. John Crawford, R-Bristol/Kingsport, has secured $700,000 in state funding to benefit Centerstone Military Services.

The grant will be used to provide professional behavior health services for veterans, reservists and National Guard members and their families across Tennessee. The funds may also be used within the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone in Clarksville.

“We must never forget the sacrifices our active and retired military service men and women have made for us,” Crawford said. “This is a small way we can serve them by providing improved access to mental and physical health. Our nation’s service members deserve our support and I’m thankful my colleagues in the General Assembly voted for this appropriation.”

Centerstone Military Services ensures veterans and their families have access to quality care that treats conditions service members frequently face, including anxiety and PTSD. The organization has a nationwide network of providers and support.

The appropriated funds are part of a $52.8 billion zero-debt balanced budget that was passed by the General Assembly in April. Republican priorities include significant investments in rural and behavioral health care, school safety, education and public safety.

State Rep. John Crawford represents House District 1, which includes part of Sullivan County. He is chairman of the Local Government Committee and also serves on the Calendar and Rules Committee, Finance, Ways and Means Committee, Government Operations Committee, Cities and Counties Subcommittee, Elections and Campaign Finance Subcommittee, Joint Commerce, Labor, Transportation and Agriculture Committee and the Property Planning Subcommittee. He is a member of the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR).

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