Rep. Jason Zachary secures $50,000 for Best Buddies International

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – State Rep. Jason Zachary, R-Knoxville, has secured $50,000 in state funding for Best Buddies International.

The funding will be used at school-based chapters across Tennessee to support inclusion programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

“Children with disabilities face incredible challenges in life. They deserve our care, admiration and support,” Zachary said. “This funding will help ensure all children in Tennessee are afforded opportunities to form friendships and be guided toward success. I thank my colleagues for supporting this important investment and helping to make a difference in the lives of kids with disabilities across this state.”

Best Buddies International is an organization seeking to end the social, economic and physical isolation of people with IDD. The group offers support to family members and provides opportunities for children to build friendships, improve communication skills and be a part of an environment of inclusive living.

The appropriated funds are part of a $52.8 billion zero-debt balanced budget that was passed by the General Assembly in April. Republican priorities include significant investments in rural and behavioral health care, school safety, education and public safety.

State Rep. Jason Zachary represents House District 14, which includes part of Knox County. He is chairman of the Calendar and Rules Committee and also serves on the Commerce Committee, Finance, Ways and Means Committee, Appropriations Subcommittee and the Business and Utilities Subcommittee.

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