Rep. Harshbarger Responds to Joe Biden's State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tonight, Representative Diana Harshbarger released the following response to Joe Biden's State of the Union Address to Congress.

"Despite what we heard tonight, our state of the union is unrecognizable," said Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger. "Students are being murdered on college campuses and poisonous drugs continue to flow into our country, caused by the invasion of illegal aliens at our Southern Border. East Tennesseans are paying thousands more for the same goods and services they purchased during the previous administration. Our adversaries continue to wage war on our allies, threatening both global and national security.

Under Joe Biden’s failed policies, hard-working, everyday Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, soaring prices for consumers, and the misguided priorities of the liberals in Washington. It’s high time the Biden administration reversed course on their disastrous policies. Americans deserve to prosper, and our House Republican Majority has passed solutions that will curb out-of-control government spending, secure our border, and restore our nation’s status on the world stage."

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