Rep. Harshbarger Releases Statement on the Romeike Family

Rep. Harshbarger Releases Statement on the Romeike Family

October 6, 2023
Press Release

Washington, D.C - Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger released the following statement on the Romeike family.

"Good news! ICE has granted a one-year stay of removal for the Romeike family. My colleagues in Congress, beginning with those on the Judiciary Committee, now have time to consider my bill, H.R. 5423. This bill would grant the Romeikes permanent residency. I appreciate that so many East Tennesseans were among the 100,000 Americans who petitioned support. In doing so, they conveyed firsthand knowledge of the Romeikes’ contributions to our Morristown community and support of their right to homeschool their children free from persecution. I would also like to thank the Home School Legal Defense Association for its guidance in helping me secure this one-year stay as a stopgap so my work to pass H.R. 5423 may continue."

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