Rep. Harshbarger Calls on DOE to Scrap Unnecessary Rule, Protect Our Grid

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger wrote to the Biden Administration’s Department of Energy (DOE) regarding concerns over proposed rules that would negatively impact distribution transformer supply chains. Distribution transformers are critical devices that transfer power from the electrical grid to homes, businesses, and commercial buildings. 

For months, industry leaders and experts have expressed to lawmakers that over-regulating these transformers will lead to increased costs, decreased grid reliability, and threaten our national security. Transformer production lines and supply chains already face severe backlog, forcing manufacturers to implement unfair efficiency standards would only exacerbate this issue. 

Even President Biden acknowledged this as recently as June, having issued an increase in transformer production through the Defense Production Act.

Despite these warnings, the Biden Administration and Secretary Granholm continue to push “green” energy policies that are putting both our grid and nation at risk. 

“President Biden and Secretary Granholm’s reckless energy agenda is putting our nation and grid in danger,” said Congresswoman Harshbarger. “The Administration’s hypocrisy is astounding - the DOE is deliberately implementing policies that hurt our nation. It's time for the Biden Administration to wake up to the issues impacting everyday Americans and protect our grid.”

Congresswoman Harshbarger’s letter is supported by more than 60 members of Congress, which can be found here.

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