Rep. Harshbarger attends dedication ceremony of new Greeneville fire station

GREENEVILLE, Tenn. (WJHL) – The Greeneville Fire Department has a new station on Carson Street, and federal lawmakers were there to help celebrate its dedication.

The department’s old station was more than 60 years old, and it suffered from structural issues and an inadequate living area, according to Greeneville City Administrator Todd Smith. The new facility’s personnel housing is up to date, and the new 3-bay station also includes an emergency operation center.

“It gives us an emergency operation center here, so we’re able to respond to natural disasters,” Smith said. “We’re able to respond to the next pandemic. We’ve got resources, communications and command capability that we can respond to this community when it needs us the most.”

According to city leaders, the new fire station was paid for with funds from the Federal Cares Act, meaning no local money was spent on the construction of the $2.3 million facility. U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn and U.S. Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger spoke at the “hose uncoupling” to mark the station’s opening.

“It’s a big public investment for our community, for the public safety of our community,” Smith said. “And we’re just so proud to have this new fire station here that’s just a tremendous resource for our community.” 

The Greeneville Fire Department has also ordered a new fire truck to go along with the station, but as of Tuesday, it has not arrived yet.

While the department is celebrating its new home, firefighters did bring the old station’s American flag with them. On Tuesday, the old flag was flying over the new station at half-staff.

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