Rep. Harshbarger Announces Winner of 2023 Congressional Art Competition

KINGSPORT — U.S. Rep. Diana Harshbarger, R-Kingsport, has announced that Dobyns-Bennett art student Juliet Barton won the 2023 Congressional Art Competition for the First Congressional District.

“I would like to congratulate Juliet Barton of Dobyns-Bennett High School on winning the Congressional Art Competition in Tennessee’s First District,” Harshbarger said in a news release.

“Juliet has the incredible honor of her work of art being displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building,” Harshbarger said. “My office received over 60 submissions in this year’s competition. I am thrilled to see so many young artists participate this year. I would also like to congratulate other participants on their great works of art and thank our wonderful judges for helping pick the winner.”

The D-B art student is a senior.

About the competition

The announcement was made Friday by Harshbarger at a reception held on the campus of Tusculum University in Greeneville.

Northeast Tennessee high school students, in grades 9-12, throughout the first district had the chance to enter a competition to have their artwork displayed in the Capitol.

The winning artwork of all House districts’ competition will be displayed in an exhibit for one year in the Capitol. It also will be featured on’s Congressional Art Competition page.

A team of independent judges evaluated the entries. The Congressional Art Competition occurs every spring.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at