Rep. Green Votes to Protect Homeland with American Energy Independence


Rep. Green Votes to Protect Homeland with American Energy Independence 

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green released the following statement following his vote in favor of H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act: 

“Dependence upon energy production outside of the U.S. is reckless. It is energy independence that will continue to secure American independence. That’s why I support H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act. This legislation will help secure our critical energy supply chains, ensuring that the United States isn’t reliant on hostile countries for our ability to heat our homes, transport our goods, grow our food, or run our factories. 

“The Biden administration has waged war on our nation’s energy sector since day one, resulting in record-breaking fuel prices. This in turn contributed to massive inflation that is harming families in Tennessee and throughout the country. It’s time to lower energy prices by empowering American energy production. 

“Even more concerning is the threat that Biden’s policies pose to our national security. In today’s international climate, energy independence and homeland security are inseparable. Draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, hamstringing American energy production, and overregulation in the energy industry impacts our nation’s ability to govern and protect itself. 

“We can’t continue to exert leadership on the international stage if we are beholden to foreign powers. We must become self-sufficient so we can act with integrity and be the kind of leader the world needs. That’s why I voted in favor of the Lower Energy Costs Act.” 


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