Rep. Green Votes No on Continuing Resolution


 Rep. Green Votes No on Continuing Resolution

 “I am not willing to mortgage our future in order to satisfy the Swamp.” 

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green released the following statement regarding his vote against a Continuing Resolution: 

“Today, I once again voted against a Continuing Resolution. I cannot in good conscience allow Pelosi-era spending to continue. For me, this was a vote against the status quo, a vote against reckless spending, and a vote against stealing from our future generations. I am not willing to mortgage our future in order to satisfy the Swamp.” 

“We are witnessing record deficits and a record national debt. Two weeks ago, our debt reached $34 trillion. That is unheard of and completely unsustainable. As they say, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” 

“Further, I won't be voting for any additional funding that doesn’t force President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to secure the border. With deadly fentanyl and crime tearing American families apart, any deal that doesn’t take serious steps to end the border crisis is a non-starter.”


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