Rep. Green Selected Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee


Rep. Green Selected Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green was selected by the House Republican Steering Committee to serve as the Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security for the 118th Congress.
“For the sake of our national security and homeland security, ending the border crisis Biden created is our top priority,” said Green. “At a time when illegal immigrants are flooding our border by the millions, no community in the U.S. will be unaffected. We must stop the flow of fentanyl that is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. We will empower our brave CBP personnel with the necessary tools to accomplish the mission. And make no mistake, we will hold President Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas accountable for their complete dereliction of duty in failing to respond to this crisis."

"We will also work to secure our cyber border. In 2018, cyberattacks cost the federal government an estimated  dollars, and recently the Department of Justice determined that 80% of all espionage cases and 60% of all trade secret cases are  to China in some way. No community in America will be spared if we cannot secure this fourth, deeply vulnerable, border. These are two of the many priorities we will addressand we will not let the American people down."

"For the sake of our country, we have no choice but to address these challenges head-on. I'm grateful to Speaker McCarthy and the House Republican Steering Committee for entrusting me with this task; it's time to get to work and fulfill our Commitment to America.”
 The House Committee on Homeland Security is tasked with a wide array of issue areas, including border and cyber security, emergency preparedness, and counterterrorism. 

Rep. Green’s biography can be found here along with his official photograph here


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