Rep. Green’s Oscar-Worthy Amendment Passes House in FY25 NDAA


Rep. Green’s Oscar-Worthy Amendment Passes House in FY25 NDAA 

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green’s amendment passed the House in Fiscal Year 2025’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This amendment prohibits the Pentagon from assisting studios that censor American films for the Chinese Communist Party. The Congressman introduced similar legislation titled the Stopping Communist Regimes from Engaging in Edits Now Act (SCREEN Act), which was favorably reported out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  

Green said, “Film is an influential and iconic part of American culture. That’s why Hollywood studios must stand against the Chinese Communist Party’s censorship and propaganda in American films. We cannot allow Xi Jinping’s malign influence to become entrenched in Hollywood.”

The passage of my amendment in the House cements the importance of kicking Communist China off the red carpet for good. High-budget films often rely on assistance from the Pentagon for help in their films—from Naval battleships and Air Force jets to technical assistance from our servicemembers. My legislation will ensure these taxpayer funded resources are not available to Hollywood studios that bow to CCP censorship.” 

He continued, “Fortunately over the past several years, many in Washington have woken up to the threat of an increasingly aggressive China. The House came together this year to ban TikTok, we are working to defund Confucius Institutes, and we are shoring up our cyber security infrastructure to ward off Chinese cyber attacks. Yet the CCP is like the Hydra—as soon as you cut off one head, two more grow in its place. We must stay vigilant in guarding the American people against the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party—whether it's in our institutions of higher education, places of business, on social media, or in Hollywood.” 


1.  Prevents the federal government from assisting studios in Hollywood with the production of a film if that film is co-produced by a Chinese company subject to content restrictions from the CCP.

2.  Requires the Department of Defense to produce a report to Congress on film companies that received production assistance from the Pentagon then censored their own films.

3.  Ensures Hollywood studios provide written agreements pledging not to censor their own films at the request of the CCP prior to receiving any technical assistance or access to assets from the Department of Defense and then bans the federal government from assisting these studios going forward if they censor for the CCP.

See Rep. Green’s previous statements and media coverage on the SCREEN Act below:

Introduction of the SCREEN Act here and reintroduction here 

Rep. Green’s remarks in the Foreign Affairs Committee here

Statement on House Foreign Affairs reporting out the SCREEN Act here

Inclusion of SCREEN Act in 2024 NDAA here

Statement on the Pentagon’s rule against CCP censorship in American films here

Coverage of the SCREEN Act by the Washington ExaminerEpoch TimesDaily SignalNational ReviewTennessee StarClarksvilleNowThe Tennessee Conservative, and Clarksville Times

Rep. Green’s Letter to the Editor in the New York Times here

Rep. Green’s op-ed in the Washington Examiner here, his op-ed in the Federalist here, and his op-ed in the Hill here

Rep. Green talks SCREEN Act on The Glenn Beck Program and On Balance with Leland Vittert


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