Rep. Green’s New Legislation Rescues Small Businesses From the Sharks

WASHINGTON—Rep. Mark Green introduced the ADAImprovementAct of 2023. The bill amends the Americans with Disabilities (ADA)Act to require an opportunity for businesses to correct alleged violations before a civil lawsuit may be brought against them.  

“It’s vital Americans with disabilities have access to any business they enter, including small businesses. However, under the law as it exists today, trial lawyers are weaponizing the Americans with Disabilities Act to destroy small businesses. We must protect our job creators from these predatory lawsuits,” said Rep. Green. 

“My commonsense reform to the ADA will allow businesses the opportunity to address violations while ensuring all Americans have access to their facilities. Exacting a pound of flesh from small businesses for minor ADA violations might satisfy predatory lawyers, but it is not in the best interests of those with disabilities, job creators, our communities, or the economy,” Green continued.

He also said: “TheADAImprovementAct prevents businesses from becoming shark bait to circling trial lawyers. This legislation is a lifeline for businesses already sinking due to the Biden administration’s crushing inflation crisis.”

Read the bill here


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