Rep. Green’s New Bill Doubles Down on Fight for Second Amendment


 Rep. Green’s New Bill Doubles Down on Fight for Second Amendment

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green introduced the Protect American Gun Exporters Act. The bill stops the current export license pause and prevents the Department of Commerce from taking any substantially similar actions in the future unless standard rulemaking procedures are followed. This bill comes after Rep. Green penned a letter signed by 87 other Members of Congress demanding answers on the unprecedented and reckless restriction on civilian firearm export licenses. 

Green said, “This pause leaves people vulnerable while directly hurting firearm manufacturing and shipping jobs. The Biden administration’s far-reaching and downright reckless restriction on civilian firearm export licenses clearly showcases their antipathy for the Second Amendment. That’s where my bill comes in. It stops the export license pause and solidifies concrete steps the Department of Commerce must take if it wants to implement similar policies in the future. 

“My bill prevents additional hypocritical and broad restrictions on firearm export licenses. Pausing the issuance of export licenses for firearms, related components, and ammunition penalizes law-abiding civilians while handing criminal actors a monopoly on force. The Biden administration cannot continue trampling on the Second Amendment and crippling the American firearm industry. My bill aims to right this wrong and prevent future arbitrary attacks on law-abiding American business owners.” 

Read the bill here

Background: The bill requires the Department of Commerce to follow the normal rulemaking procedure allowing for notice, comment periods, communication with industry stakeholders, and conducting an industry impact analysis prior to any decision-making. If the Department follows all of these steps and still finalizes the rule, it would be eligible for expedited disapproval through the Congressional Review Act—a critical tool for stopping anti-gun bureaucrats.

Read more about the bill in the Daily Caller here


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