Rep. Green’s Bill Demands Transparency on Federal Funds Going to the CCP


Rep. Green’s Bill Demands Transparency on Federal Funds Going to the CCP

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, reintroduced his Our Money in China Transparency Act, which requires an annual, detailed report on any federal funds spent on activities in collaboration with Communist China’s entities and institutions. 

Green said, “Xi Jinping will stop at nothing to undermine the United States. And yet U.S. dollars continue to enrich this regime. My bill mandates one important thing: transparency. Taxpayers deserve a detailed look at funds that currently go to entities in China. From stealing American intellectual property, setting up ‘police stations’ to monitor Chinese residents living in the U.S., and scheming to devalue the dollar, this regime is a threat to our way of life and our national security. 

It’s simple—the American people should know which Chinese Communist Party-affiliated entities and institutions receive our federal dollars. And this includes money sent by institutions of higher education that accept taxpayer funding. No federal department or entity receiving federal funds should be exempt. 

This week, the Committee on Homeland Security the threats posed to our homeland from malign actors like the CCP—and the situation is dire. Not only that, but our nation’s debt is inching closer and closer to $34 trillion. With such massive debt, we must be able to justify every expenditure to the American people. That is why we need an account of every dollar that ends up in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party,” Green concluded.

Read the bill here.

Read the exclusive in the Epoch Times here.


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