Rep. Green’s Bill Demands Monthly Overdose and Suicide Data From CDC


Rep. Green’s Bill Demands Monthly Overdose and Suicide Data From CDC 

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green introduced the Publish Overdose and Suicide Tracking For American Safety Today Act of 2023, the POST FAST Act. The bill mandates that the CDC publish suicide and drug overdose data monthly and no later than 60 days past the end of the month in which the data was collected. 

“Every American lost to suicide or drug overdose is a crack in the heart of our country. In order to effectively combat this crisis, we need a multi-pronged strategy—this includes accurate and timely data from the CDC. Tennessee holds a grim rank—#5 in overdose deaths. As an ER physician, I’ve seen the horrific impact that drugs have on the body and on mental health. This is an issue that demands our attention.”

“Far too many families know the pain that comes with grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide or overdose. For lawmakers to make informed decisions, we need complete data. That’s why I introduced the POST FAST Act. This isn’t a battle that’s easily fought alone. With timely data, we can work together to help those suffering.”

Read the bill here.  


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