Rep. Green Responds to a Report Regarding Various Congressional Members’ Stock Holdings


Rep. Green Responds to a Report Regarding Various Congressional Members’ Stock Holdings 

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green released the following statement responding to a report regarding various congressional members’ stock holdings:

"I have no insight into how trades are made, and am only notified after they occur. In fact, in my first year in Congress, to go above and beyond even the hint of impropriety, I instructed my broker in writing to manage my family's investments and to disregard any instructions from me should I try to provide input (which I have not). 

I believe firmly that using insider information for personal benefit is a crime that should be strictly enforced. All transactions and stocks I own can be viewed online. Using insider information for personal benefit is a crime that should be strictly enforced."

Rep. Green’s letter to his stock broker here.


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