Rep. Green Re-Introduces the Protecting Gold Star Spouses Act


Rep. Green Re-Introduces the Protecting Gold Star Spouses Act

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green re-introduced his Protecting Gold Star Spouses Act in the 118th Congress. The bill ensures that no Gold Star Family will ever miss a payment, even during a lapse in federal appropriations.

Green said, “Our nation is a shining city on a hill known across the globe as ‘land of the free and home of the brave.’ And we have our military men and women, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, to thank for it. The families they leave behind, Gold Star Spouses and Children, need to knowthey will never be forgotten." 

“My legislation protects Gold Star Spouses by ensuring they receive stipends from the federal government, even during a lapse in appropriations. Every Gold Star Family reminds us that freedom comes at a cost, and we must not take it for granted.”

Read the bill here


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