Rep. Green Re-introduces Bill to Bring U.S. Companies Home from China


Rep. Green Re-introduces Bill to Bring U.S. Companies Home from China

Today, Rep. Mark Green, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, re-introduced the Bring American Companies Home Act in the 118th Congress. The legislation uses tariff revenues collected on goods from China to provide a tax incentive that offsets moving costs for American companies in order to move their production back to the United States from China. 

“If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we cannot rely on China for critical supplies. We also know Communist China cannot be trusted to treat our businesses fairly. We must get our businesses home—and my legislation will help accomplish that.” 

“For the sake of our economic and national security, we must reduce dependence on Communist China. We can distance ourselves from China economically while also opening doors of opportunity for America’s business owners here at home. This bill is pro-growth and pro-business—just the right kind of legislation to get our economy back on track.” 

Read the bill text here


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