Rep. Green Passes Landmark Border Security Bill Through Committee


Only Tennessean to Chair a Committee in Congress Passes Major Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. Congressman Mark Green, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, secured the passage of his bill, the Border Reinforcement Act of 2023(H.R. 2794) out of Committee and voted to send it to the floor of the House of Representatives. Cosponsored by all Homeland Security Republicans, this legislation is the most consequential piece of border legislation the Committee has ever passed and directly confronts President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas’ crisis at the Southwest border. 

“I am proud every Republican member on this Committee helped deliver on our promise to the American people today by sending the Border Reinforcement Act of 2023 to the House floor,” said Green. “This legislation takes a targeted approach to address Secretary Mayorkas’ record-breaking border crisis wreaking havoc between ports of entry at the Southwest border as well as the worsening crises at our Northern and maritime borders. 

“Most importantly, this effort was crafted for those on the frontlines of this crisis, including our dedicated Border Patrol agents. Today, this Committee fought to give these brave and dedicated men and women the necessary tools to secure our sovereign borders. Addressing the single biggest threat to our homeland security should not be a partisan issue. Americans across the country, no matter how far they live from our borders, are affected by this crisis. It is time to pass this mission-critical legislation on the House floor and do what Secretary Mayorkas won’t—secure our borders and keep Americans safe.”

For a factsheet on the Border Reinforcement Act of 2023, click 

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