Rep. Green Joins Amicus Brief Against FDA's Rushed Approval Process for Abortion Pill


Rep. Green Joins Amicus Brief Against FDA's Rushed Approval Process for Abortion Pill

WASHINGTON—This week, Rep. Mark Green, M.D., joined an amicus brief to the Supreme Court led by Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11). The amicus brief expressed deep concern over the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) handling of the approval process for the chemical abortion drug, mifepristone. 

Green said, "Abortion is wrong, period, but this chemical abortion drug has a greater risk for women's health than even surgical abortions. I am appalled at the FDA for putting politics before its mission—protecting Americans. 

The FDA cut numerous corners to fast-track this drug. To this day, we still have no idea how mifepristone affects adolescent girls because the FDA didn't bother to run trials. Coupled with the Biden administration's policy allowing mifepristone by mail, this makes for a dangerous situation for women. I urge the Supreme Court to consider this case carefully. It's time to stop putting the far left's radical abortion agenda above the health and safety of women and girls." 

Read the full brief here.

Read Rep. Green and Ingrid Skop's opinion piece in Real Clear Health on the topic here.  

Background: The concerns regarding the FDA's approval process include the FDA's: 

  • Misclassifying pregnancy as a "life-threatening illness"
  • Subversion of patient health and safety safeguards 
  • Failure to adhere to the FDA’s drug approval process
  • Subversion of the pediatric study requirement 


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