Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Strengthen U.S.-Polish Alliance on Anniversary of NATO


Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Strengthen U.S.-Polish Alliance on Anniversary of NATO

WASHINGTON—Today, in honor of the 74th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Rep. Mark Green introduced theGeneral Thaddeus Kosciuszko Memorial Exchange Program For Polish-American Defense Cooperation Act. Rep. Green said:

“Named after a Polish Revolutionary War hero, this legislation honors the long friendship our two nations have sharedgoing all the way back to the Founding of the United States. General Thaddeus Kosciuszko not only shared the battlefield with Americans, he shared our values as well. He fought on our side because he believed in our fight for freedom and equality. 

“NATO has helped contribute to relative global peace for seven decades. And with a malign China and an increasingly aggressive Russia, we need strong allies who share our values now more than ever. The Chinese Communist Party and the Putin regime would like nothing more than to weaken NATO’s influence–we cannot concede any ground. That’s why I introduced the General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Memorial Exchange Program For Polish-American Defense Cooperation Act, which will strengthen ties between the U.S. and Poland. 

“We continue that fight today. Neither Russia, nor the People’s Republic of China, respect the individual freedoms of their people nor do they respect the sovereignty of other nations. This legislation will demonstrate to our adversaries that NATO is not a thing of the past, but that the strongest countries in the world stand united against tyranny, in all its forms.”   

This legislation:

  • Creates a training program with special operations forces of the Polish Army. 
  • Strengthens cooperation between U.S. and Polish officials. 
  • Encourages increased cooperation between NATO allies to emphasize the ideals of peace and stability.
  • Enhances the national security and defensive capabilities of the U.S. and Poland. 
  • Honors Thaddeus Kosciuszko for his vital role in assisting the United States during the American Revolution and for his fierce defense of freedom and equality. 

Read the bill here


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