Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Protect Extracurricular Classes in TN Schools


Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Protect Extracurricular Classes in TN Schools

Clarksville, Tenn.,—Today, Rep. Mark Green introduced the Protecting Hunting Heritage and Education Act, cosponsored by Rep. Richard Hudson (NC-09),

Rep. Green said: “Children in Tennessee schools should not be prevented from receiving safety and skills training in archery, hunting, and other shooting sports by the Biden administration. The classes President Biden wants to defund aren’t only about hunting and archery, they are about teaching young Americans how to respect nature and to focus on a goal. The Biden administration’s decision to strip funding for these important classes doesn’t just miss the mark, it misses the entire target.” 

“The Biden administration’s decision to cut funding for these classes is a direct reflection of his disconnect with many Americans. We are a nation of hunters and fishermen. While President Biden lives in his own Swamp, Tennesseans are hunting and fishing in them,” he said. 

Rep. Green continued: “The attack on these educational opportunities is another clear example of how this administration does not respect federalism. We already saw the Biden administration take away Title X healthcare  from families in Tennessee because of our state’s pro-life laws, this is another attack on the values Tennesseans hold dear. If schools in liberal enclaves don’t want to teach their students these skills then fine, but forcing those views on communities that cherish this tradition is wrong.”

Read the bill here


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