Rep. Green Honors Veterans in Veterans Day Video


Rep. Green Honors Veterans in Veterans Day Video 

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green released the following video in honor of Veterans Day: 

Read excerpts from Rep. Green’s speech below:

“When people ask why we make such a big deal out of Veterans Day, I can only tell you why it is a big deal to me. As a guy who went to combat three times as a soldier, who served 24 years first as an infantryman and a ranger, and then as a physician in Special Operations, I can just tell my stories and that's how I think about the importance of Veterans Day, why we make such a big deal out of Veterans Day.” 

"It is that never quit mentality, that is why we make such a big deal out of Veterans Day. Our soldiers and our veterans would rather bleed, sweat, and die before they quit. It is because of the courage… and the sacrifice that the men and women who put on a uniform and serve this country display every day.”    


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