Rep. Green & GOP Colleagues Introduce Major Border Legislation


Rep. Green & GOP Colleagues Introduce Major Border Legislation 

WASHINGTONToday, Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee Mark Green (TN-07), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan (OH-04), and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul (TX-10) released a joint statement after the introduction of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act:

“For more than two years, President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have watched our southwest border fall into the hands of violent cartels and stood by as their own open-border policies allowed the crisis to metastasize to our northern and maritime borders. This chaos has pushed our Border Patrol agents to the brink, forcing them to work endless hours with no support.

“But those on the frontlines know this is not just a humanitarian crisis, it is a policy crisis. As the end of Title 42 approaches, it is clear the Biden administration’s plan is to continue funding border mismanagement instead of border security. From supporting the dedicated men and women of our Border Patrol and investing in technology to ending this administration's reckless catch-and-release policies and seeking to renegotiate proven policies like Remain in Mexico and the Asylum Cooperation Agreements, the Secure the Border Act does exactly what the title says.

“After announcing our border security framework almost one year ago, our committees have put forth legislation to roll back the harm this administration has caused our country. Now, it is time to uphold our commitment by passing the Secure the Border Act on the House floor.”

Read the bill text here


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