Rep. Green Gives Statement on Verdict Handed Down Against President Trump


Rep. Green Gives Statement on Verdict Handed Down Against President Trump

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green released the following statement after former President Trump was found guilty by the Manhattan Criminal Court.

Rep. Green said, “Today is a sad day for America. The only reason radical Democrats launched a politically motivated prosecution against a former president was to affect the results of the upcoming election.”

“This verdict is a disgrace. From spurious charges to an openly biased judge, the trial was a sham from the start. President Trump will appeal this verdict. The American people see this trial for what it is—a political stunt. The verdict is further evidence that the radical left will stop at nothing to crush their political opponents.”

Rep. Green continued, “President Trump’s record in the White House speaks for itself: economic prosperity, respect for law and order, and stability in the Middle East. Despite attempts to taint his legacy, the American people aren’t blind to how much better off they were under the Trump administration.”


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