Rep. Green Fights for Spiritual Health of Military and Veterans


Rep. Green Fights for Spiritual Health of Military and Veterans

WASHINGTON—This week, Rep. Mark Green sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin expressing concern over Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s recent cease and desist order to Holy Name College Friary, a Franciscan community that has provided pastoral care to Catholic servicemembers and veterans for nearly twenty years. 

Rep. Green wrote: “The complete disregard for our Catholic servicemembers and veterans is as shocking as it is ignorant. As Archbishop Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services has stated, Catholic priests are necessary for Catholic care at Walter Reed, which requires them to be present and active. Without the presence of Catholic priests, servicemembers and veterans are being denied their constitutional right to practice their religion.”

“While no American ought to be denied their constitutional right to exercise religion, it is particularly egregious to deny that right to the very men and women that fight to keep our country free,” Rep. Green continued.  

Rep. Green concluded:“Denying real Catholic care to servicemembers and veterans at Walter Reed is an unconstitutional and unconscionable act that will cause irreparable harm. I urge Secretary Austin to immediately reinstate services necessary to care for our Catholic servicemembers and veterans, rather than attacking men and women of faith.”

Read the full letter here


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