Rep. Green Calls “Cut” on CCP Involvement in American Films


Rep. Green Calls “Cut” on CCP Involvement in American Films 

SCREEN Act Passes out of House Foreign Affairs Committee

WASHINGTON—This week, Rep. Mark Green’s Stopping Communist Regimes from Engaging in Edits Now Act (SCREEN Act) passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Green’s legislation prohibits the U.S. State Department from assisting studios that censor films for the Chinese Communist Party.

Green said, “The Chinese Communist Party has no place dictating the content of American films. American filmmakers should feel free to be as patriotic as they like without fear of Xi Jinping asking them to remove images of American flags or the Statue of Liberty. Allowing Beijing to take a red pen to our movie scripts is downright un-American and sets a dangerous precedent. Our films are an expression of American culture and that should not be influenced by a dictator 7,000 miles from our shores.” 
Green also said, “My SCREEN Act shows that the United States will not be pushed around, not on the international stage or on the Oscar stage. I’m glad my bill passed out of Committee. House Republicans made a commitment to the American people to stand up to China’s malign influence—my bill does this.”
Watch Rep. Green’s remarks during markup here. Read more about the SCREEN Act here.  A version of the SCREEN Act was included in the FY24 NDAA.  Read about it here


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