Rep. Fleischmann Brings America’s Newest National Cemetery to East Tennessee

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann (TN-03), announced today that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has purchased property in Meigs County to expand the Chattanooga National Cemetery. Congressman Fleischmann worked tirelessly and diligently to ensure the expansion of the Chattanooga National Cemetery remained in East Tennessee, so Chattanooga-area veterans and their families can continue to be buried with honor for generations to come.

“For decades, Chattanooga’s veteran community has been rightfully sounding the alarm that the Chattanooga National Cemetery is rapidly running out of space. In fact, in less than a decade, the current cemetery will be fully at capacity, and there will be no more room for burials – this is why expanding Chattanooga’s National Cemetery is critically important to our veterans and their families,” said Congressman Fleischmann. “For nearly 160 years, the current national cemetery in Chattanooga has served as the final, noble resting place for generations of service members who’ve worn our country’s uniform. With the VA’s announcement that they will expand the Chattanooga National Cemetery, generations of veterans and their families will continue to have a sacred place to be buried with dignity, honor, and respect.”

“I am so proud to be able to bring America’s newest national cemetery to East Tennessee. I worked diligently with the VA and local leaders to ensure that the expansion of the Chattanooga National Cemetery remained in East Tennessee. There is no better place in the U.S. to honor our nation’s veterans than the property the VA has chosen in Meigs County. Our nation’s veterans, their families, and their loved ones deserve the best. This includes the best possible place for our nation to honor our heroes and their loved ones. I’m proud to have secured the best new national cemetery for our service members and veterans.”

VA Undersecretary for Memorial Affairs and retired Army Major General Matt Quinn said of Rep. Fleischmann’s efforts to expand the Chattanooga National Cemetery:

“We are very excited to have acquired a great piece of property in the Chattanooga area. This will allow us to continue providing a final resting place of honor to the veterans who have served and the family members who sacrificed for their veterans’ service. I’ve been pleased to meet with Rep Fleischmann a number of times as we worked through the land process, truly appreciating his support as well the support of the entire TN delegation and veteran community.”


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