Rep. Ed Butler passes resolution creating Gold Star Children’s Day

State Rep. Ed Butler, R-Rickman, recently passed legislation creating “Gold Star Children’s Day” in Tennessee.

House Joint Resolution 733, which designates Aug. 1 as Gold Star Children’s Day, was unanimously approved by the House on Monday.

“This resolution honors children who suffered an unimaginable tragedy with the death of a parent in a period of combat,” Butler said. “I’m grateful to all the men and women who gave their lives for this country, and to their families who endured heartbreaking loss. Gold Star children deserve our highest honor and respect and Aug. 1 will be a day to show our sincere appreciation to these brave sons and daughters.”

The term Gold Star Family means an immediate family member of an American service member who died in a time of conflict. The United States recognizes Gold Star mothers on the last Sunday in September and Gold Star spouses on April 5 each year.

House Joint Resolution 733 will be sent to the Senate for approval and to Gov. Bill Lee for his signature.

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