Rep. Ed Butler encourages residents to take advantage of tax-free weekend

State Rep. Ed Butler, R-Rickman, is encouraging local residents to take advantage of Tennessee’s upcoming sales tax holiday.

The state’s annual back-to-school tax-free weekend is set for Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28. Eligible purchases include clothing and shoes valued at $100 or less, school and art supplies costing less than $100, and computers and tablets priced at under $1,500.

“The Volunteer State’s fiscal conservatism has allowed our economy to significantly outpace the nation, and I’m proud to be able to provide relief for Tennesseans before the school year begins,” Butler said. “I encourage all residents of District 41 to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to save some of their hard-earned money.”

Republicans delivered $800 million in tax cuts during the 113th General Assembly, in addition to $1.5 billion for refunds for eligible business owners. Since 2012, Tennessee under a GOP majority has provided $4.3 billion in tax relief to citizens.

The Volunteer State collects no personal income tax and consistently ranks as one of the most fiscally responsible and lowest-taxed states in the nation.

For more information about the sales tax holiday, visit

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