Rep. Dennis Powers urges American withdrawal from United Nations

The House on Wednesday advanced a resolution calling for an American withdrawal from the United Nations.

House Joint Resolution 849, sponsored by State Rep. Dennis Powers, R-Jacksboro, urges the U.S. Congress and President Joe Biden to withdraw from the U.N. and instead strengthen ties with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

“For too long, the United States has been taken advantage of by other member countries of the United Nations,” Powers said. “We contribute more than any other nation and receive no significant return on that investment. The U.N. spouts ideals not consistent with American values, including holding a moment of silence for the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il and voting to condemn American actions on the world stage. It’s past time we remove ourselves from this organization and focus our efforts and American taxpayer dollars elsewhere.”

In 2022, the American taxpayer contributed more than $18 billion to the U.N. system, according to the U.N. System Chief Executives Board for Coordination. This contribution represents more than a third of the U.N. system’s revenue from nations across the world, the Heritage Foundation reports.

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