Rep. Burchett votes in favor of Laken Riley Act

WASHINGTON, D.C., (March 7, 2024) – U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) released the following statement after voting in favor of the Laken Riley Act that was introduced by Rep. Mike Collins (GA-10).

“Laken Riley was taken from this world too soon," said Rep. Burchett. "There are deadly consequences to Biden's open border. She would still be here with her family and friends if our authorities had deported him after his first arrest.” 

Jose Antonio Ibarra, the illegal immigrant from Venezuela who is charged with the murder of Laken Riley, had been arrested three times but was not detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Ibarra had been arrested for driving under the influence and without a license, along with shoplifting. 

The Laken Riley Act would require ICE to issue a detainer for illegal aliens who are charged or cited with local theft or burglary. 

The full text of the bill can be read here.

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