Rep. Burchett votes against raising the debt ceiling

WASHINGTON, D.C., (May 31, 2023) – Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) released the following statement on his vote against H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which would suspend the debt ceiling through 2024:

“I voted against the last bill to raise the debt ceiling, and this one is a lot worse. It still runs a deficit and doesn’t do nearly enough to address the out-of-control spending that got us into this mess in the first place,” said Rep. Burchett. “East Tennesseans could see it too. My constituents have been calling me about this, and the overwhelming majority told me not to vote for it. I chose to listen to them and follow my conscience on this one.”

The Fiscal Responsibility Act:

  • Runs a deficit
  • Rescinds less unused COVID funds than the Limit, Save, Grow Act
  • Reduces non-defense discretionary spending to FY2022 levels, when reverting to pre-COVID spending would achieve a balanced budget
  • Allows the national debt to reach $50.9 trillion by 2033
  • Rescinds $1.4 billion in IRS funding instead of the $70 billion rescinded in the Limit, Save, Grow Act

Rep. Burchett has not voted to raise the debt ceiling since entering the U.S. House of Representatives. 

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