Rep. Burchett votes against minibus spending package

WASHINGTON, D.C., (March 22, 2024) – Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) voted against H.Res. 1102, the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024.  

“I voted against a $27 billion increase to our Defense Department that has never passed an audit. I voted against funding transgender surgeries in our military. I voted against a bill that sends $880 million to countries in the Middle East to secure their borders, but doesn’t spend a penny on building a border wall in the United States. I voted against sending $1 million to an organization that calls Israel an ‘Apartheid state.’ I voted against giving $400,000 to a group that secretly gives young kids ‘binding and tucking’ clothing without telling their parents. I voted against spending $1.2 trillion on these things and more when we’re nearly $35 trillion in debt already. The answer is just no.” said Rep. Burchett

The six-bill funding package worth $1.2 trillion included funding for the following agencies through the end of Fiscal Year 2024:  

  • Department of Defense 

  • Department of Homeland Security 

  • Department of Labor 

  • Department of Health and Human Services 

  • Department of Education 

  • Department of State 

  • Legislative branch 

Full text of the bill can be found here.  

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