Rep. Burchett statement on vote for border security bill

WASHINGTON, D.C., (April 20, 2024) – Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) voted for H.R. 3602, the End the Border Catastrophe Act, which takes several actions to combat the border crisis including restarting construction of the border wall, ending catch and release procedures, implementing the Remain in Mexico program, and increasing the number of Border Patrol agents. 

“Illegal immigration is one of the biggest dangers to our country and we need to shut it down now. Today’s bill would build the wall, restart the Remain in Mexico program, and end catch and release. We need these kinds of common-sense security measures to protect Americans.” said Rep. Burchett.

The bill failed 215-199 (required 2/3 majority to pass due to being introduced under suspension of rules). The full text can be found here

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