Rep. Burchett statement on vote against two-tier continuing resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C., (November 14, 2023) – Today, U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) released the following statement on his vote against the two-tiered continuing resolution. 

“Continuing to fund our government at its current levels will only send our economy deeper into crisis. I couldn’t vote for this bill in good conscience, but I will continue to support Speaker Johnson’s efforts to pass clean single-subject spending bills that address our nation’s awful fiscal situation.”  

This bill would extend funding at current levels through January 19, 2024, for four appropriations bills: 

  • Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration 
  • Energy and Water Development 
  • Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and related agencies 
  • Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, & and related agencies 

It would extend funding at current levels through February 2, 2024, for eight appropriations bills: 

  • Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related agencies 
  • Department of Defense 
  • Financial Services and General Government   
  • Homeland Security   
  • Interior, Environment, and related agencies   
  • Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and related agencies   
  • Legislative Branch  
  • State and Foreign Operations and related programs   

The continuing resolution passed in the House of Representatives.  

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at