Rep. Burchett receives "Champion of Limited Government" award

WASHINGTON, D.C., (June 20, 2023) – Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) received the “Champion of Limited Government” award from the Institute of Legislative Analysis (ILA). 

ILA scored each member based on analysis of key votes that reflect the lawmaker’s view of the role of government. Members who scored 90% or higher received the “Champion of Limited Government” award. Rep. Burchett received a score of 98.61%.  

“I’m proud to receive this award for my fight to get our government back to where it should be,” said Rep. Burchett. “If a service is listed in the yellow pages, the federal government shouldn’t spend taxpayer dollars to do the same thing. Americans shouldn’t be forced to pay more taxes to be more regulated by a bunch of Washington bureaucrats.” 

A full list of ILA Champion of Limited Government award recipients and scores can be found here.  

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