Rep. Burchett leads letter to Senate leaders to reject tying foreign aid together

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Oct. 19, 2023) – U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) led a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposing tying together funding for Ukraine, Israel, and our Southern border. 

"We can't continue to fund a war in Europe that is heading into its third year. This president believes Americans are fine with passing a package that gives Ukraine another $60 billion while one of our closest allies, Israel, gets only $10 billion. That's just not reality. We also can't simply put more taxpayer money toward the Biden administration's failed immigration policies that have led to a crisis at our Southern border instead of a separate comprehensive border package. We need to let these bills stand alone and vote on them individually" said Rep. Burchett.

The letter was signed by: U.S. Reps. Tim Burchett (TN-02), Mike Collins (GA-10), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Mark Green (TN-07), and Matt Rosendale (MT-02). 

You can read the full letter by clicking here

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