Rep. Burchett Introduces Bill Encouraging Participation in the Vienna Process against the Taliban

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Sept. 11, 2024)U.S. Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) introduced a bill to support a platform for political opposition to the Taliban.

“The Taliban has always been a terror group. It never stopped being a terror group, they lied when they promised things would be different this time around,” said Rep. Burchett. “I’d also like to thank Scott Mann, Legend, and Shawn Ryan for lending their expertise so I could make this bill as effective as possible.”

The bill condemns the Taliban as a terrorist organization, urges the United States to participate in the Vienna Process, and calls on international engagement with the Vienna Process. It also reiterates the importance of standing with the people of Afghanistan, particularly those who fought with us and have been oppressed by the Taliban.

The Vienna Process is a political platform established in Vienna, Austria, which brings together anti-Taliban political factions to collaborate and present a united front against the Taliban.

Rep. Burchett wrote this bill after discussing the Vienna Process with former Green Beret and author Scott Mann, Afghan American former noncommissioned officer known as Legend, and popular podcast host, former Navy SEAL, and CIA operative Shawn Ryan.

The full text of the bill can be found here

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