Rep. Bryan Terry honors Middle Tennessee Christian School football team for state championship

State Rep. Bryan Terry, MD, R-Murfreesboro, on Monday honored Middle Tennessee Christian School’s (MTCS) football team on the House floor at the State Capitol.

MTCS of Murfreesboro won the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association’s Division II-A state football championship on Nov. 30 for the first time in the school’s history.

“I’m extremely proud of MTCS for winning their first-ever state football championship,” Terry said. “Winning a championship requires dedication, teamwork and perseverance, and I know they worked tremendously hard training last season. It was an honor to recognize the team on the House floor this week.”

MTCS defeated Friendship Christian School of Lebanon in a score of 28-13 at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Finley Stadium.

Terry on Monday presented the team with a copy of House Joint Resolution 699, which recognizes the team’s success. The resolution unanimously passed the House and Senate in January and was signed by Gov. Bill Lee earlier this month.

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