PHOTOS: Congressman Kustoff Visits Normandy and Paris to Mark 80th Anniversary of D-Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) recently traveled to Normandy and Paris to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day and honor our greatest generation.

"It was an honor to visit Normandy and Paris to pay tribute to the brave members of the Allied forces who fought to liberate Europe from tyranny 80 years ago,” said Congressman Kustoff. "Because of the courage and sacrifice of the greatest generation, freedom still exists today. May the stories of these heroes never be forgotten."

Pictures from the trip:

Congressman Kustoff and his congressional colleagues visit the Suresnes American Cemetery in Paris.

Congressman Kustoff visits the Suresnes American Cemetery in Paris.

Congressman Kustoff and his congressional colleagues visit the Suresnes American Cemetery in Paris.

Congressman Kustoff visits the Normandy American Cemetery in Normandy.


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