Pentagon Agrees with Rep. Green: Hollywood Must Stop Bowing to the CCP


Pentagon Agrees with Rep. Green: Hollywood Must Stop Bowing to the CCP

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green gave the following statement after the Department of Defense announced it will no longer work with film studios that censor their movies on behalf of the Communist China Party (CCP), a move Rep. Green called for in his Stopping Communist Regimes from Engaging in Edits Now Act.

“I am glad to see the Pentagon stand up against the CCP’s attempt to censor and control American films. Studios that bow to an adversarial nation's political agenda do not deserve support from our defense agencies.

“American filmmaking should be about free expression and American values. It should not be used as a vehicle for CCP propaganda. Thatis why I submittedprovisions of my SCREEN Act today as an amendment to the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. The Pentagon’s new rule is a great step forward, but we need protections against CCP propaganda written in law."

You can read op-eds on the topic here and here.  


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