OGLES: Stopping CCP Fentanyl at US Border

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) submitted a bill imposing property-blocking sanctions on Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials involved in the trafficking of fentanyl across the Southern border. This bill also makes those same individuals inadmissible to the United States.

“The Biden Administration routinely chooses to placate and dignify the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to poison America through fentanyl. China remains the principal source of the illicit drug that is flooding across our southern border and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans,” said Congressman Ogles. “Congress cannot continue to stand idly by while the CCP and cartel thugs line their pockets while killing Americans through overdoses.My bill would require the White House to impose property sanctions on any CCP officials who are found to be complicit in killing Americans through fentanyl smuggling. It’s time to send a message to the CCP that their scheme to scourge the American population will not be tolerated.”

Rep. Tiffany said, “The Biden administration continues to put the interests of Communist China above the lives of American citizens. We know China is the primary source of fentanyl trafficked into the United States and while Democrats refuse to do anything about it, Republicans are providing solutions to stop the deadly flow."

Rep. Donalds said, “Just days ago, President Biden declared, ‘I don’t want to contain China.’ This defeatist admission is emblematic of his administration’s failed appeasement agenda. It’s imperative that we stand up to our adversary China, which is why I’m proud to support The Countering CCP Fentanyl Trafficking Act. Simply put, Chinese Communist officials involved in fentanyl trafficking should be sanctioned and barred from entering our country.

Rep. Mooney said, “We can no longer sit back idly while China floods our streets with fentanyl. I’m proud to cosponsor Rep. Ogles bill to hold China accountable for their involvement in the trafficking of the poison that has killed thousands of West Virginians a year.”

Rep. Norman said, “Fentanyl is the number one cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. It is sickening to watch China poison our country. The Countering CCP Fentanyl Trafficking Act is necessary to punish China and CCP officials who are involved with this act of evil. We cannot stand idle any longer.”

Rep. Crawford said, "We have concrete evidence from the DEA that China is the main source for nearly all fentanyl related substances trafficked into the United States. It’s time we take this fact seriously and go after the CCP officials who have been profiting off the deaths of thousands of Americans. The threat of the CCP isn’t oceans away, it’s right here at our doorstep, spilling across our southern border."

Cosigners [8]: Reps. Mary Miller (IL-15), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Tom Tiffany (WI-07), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Alex Mooney (WV-02), Randy Weber (TX-14), and Rick Crawford (AR-01).

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/ogles-stopping-ccp-fentanyl-us-border