Ogles Demands Answers From Yellen, Treasury Committee On Racial Equity

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05) sent a letter to Department of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, demanding to know what the Advisory Committee on Racial Equity has done to fulfill its mission to address financial ‘inclusion,’ capital access, and housing stability. So far, the Committee has focused on advancing radical Leftist environmental, social, and governance policies.

“Instead of using resources to address the economic destruction of millions of Americans, Secretary Yellen and the Treasury’s Advisory Committee on Racial Equity (TACRE) are focusing on forcing ESG policies on folks,” said Congressman Ogles. “Yellen has done nothing to address the crippling inflation plaguing hardworking taxpayers. Instead, she propagates the Biden Administration’s big-spending agenda, which no longer fools the American people. If Secretary Yellen can’t explain her failures, I have requested she disband the TACRE committee and disclose just how much taxpayer money she wasted on this pet project.”


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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ogles.house.gov/media/press-releases/ogles-demands-answers-yellen-treasury-committee-racial-equity